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Difference between vertical and horizontal milling machine

            In this article we get the information about Difference between verticle and horizontal milling machine with suitable points.

        Milling is the process of removal of material by moving rotating tool against workpiece. Operation like drilling, facing, slotting, boring are easily perform by various milling machines. Milling machine are classified based on milling direction, spindle direction, number of spindle, speed of tool, feedrate of tool etc. Mainly milling machine classified into types, one is verticle and second is horizontal milling machine.


Difference between verticle and horizontal milling machine

Difference between vertical and horizontal milling machine


Vertical milling machines

Horizontal milling machines

Spindle orientation

In VMC machine, spindle is mounted vertical or perpendicular to the work table on which work piece is mounted.

In HMC machine, spindle is mounted horizontally or parallel to the worktable on which work piece mounted.


VMC further classified,

1.bed mills

2.Turret mills

HMC further classified,

1.Plain horizontal milling machine

2.Universal horizontal milling machine

Number of axis

In VMC machine generally 3 axis available (X, Y, Z).

In case of HMC machine 4 axis available (X, Y, Z, A).

Cutting orientation

VMC Machine cuts in single plane.

HMC Machine cuts in multiple planes due to rotary table.

Cycle time

In VMC machine cycle time is high.

In HMC machine cycle time is low.

Surface finishing

Surface finishing is poorer in case of VMC.

Surface finish is best in case of HMC.

Tool life

Reduce tool life

Increase tool life

Area required




Vmc machines are cheaper.

HMC machines are costlier.

Chip evacuation

In VMC, we don't get proper chips removal area.

In HMC, chips are removed and thrown away from machine properly and easily.

Working capacity




Less powerful and light in weight.

More powerful and heavy in weight.

What is vertical milling machine?

VMC machines are the types of milling machines in which spindle are mounted vertical to the worktable or workpiece.  This type of machines are made up on cast iron base for high compressive strength. VMC machine are used for high accuracy work for manufacturing,  aerospace, automobile industry.


What is Horizontal milling machine?

HMC are also a types of milling machine in which spindle mounted parallel to worktable or bed. HMC machine has high chip removal rate with deepar cut hence it use most in case of high cutting require from material. HMC machine work horizontally and able to remove material in multi direction due to his 4 axis.

What are the main types of milling machines?

1.Column and Knee Type

2.Manufacturing Type or Fixed Bed Type Milling Machine

3.Planer Type Milling Machine

4.Special Type Milling Machine

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In short VMC are the versatile and mostly used in precision work of industries like aerospace, defence and automobile,  while HMC is perfact  for high chip removal, high horse power and heavy duty.


How does a vertical milling machine compare to a horizontal milling machine?

  • Diffrence between VMC and HMC other than spindle mounting axis are following, HMC has high material removal rate compared to verticle milling machine. where VMC are produce precision components, also it's cheaper than HMC machine because of this industry mostly used VMC machine.

What are the main structural differences between vertical and horizontal milling machines?

  • In the vertical milling spindle are verticlly oriented on single or double column which mount on cast iron bed, where in case of horizontal milling spindle are horizontly mounted on cast iron bed.

What are the main structural differences between vertical and horizontal milling machines?

  • Regular VMC machine are available with 3 axis movement, where in case of HMC it's require 4axis as basic hence size of machine is comparativaly bigger than VMC machine. in HMC machine it able to work in multi planes with high chip removal.

What are the disadvantages of vertical milling machines compared to horizontal ones?

  • In HMC we are able to work in multiple plane which not possible in case of VMC without 5 axis.
  • Also tool life in case of VMC is less compare to HMC.
  • In HMC chip evacution system are easy than VMC machine.

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